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Britannica's Encyclopedia Infographica


I absolutely love this book!

Full of facts and figures, funny and foul ( think snot, poo and bodily functions as well as animal and technolgy information!) it is an absolutely engrossing tome that had us captivated for hours over the colourful and engaging graphics.

A fantastically different visual way of conveying a huge amount of information, this is one of my favourite books of the year so far, simply because every time I look at it, I learn another fact! This would be a brilliant Christmas book to share with family and friends, as well as being a surefire hit in any classroom in the country!

Brilliance from Britannica Books....thank you for the review copy and spot on the blogtour.

Check out a trailer for this fab fact filled treasure, here:

Check out other stops on the blogtour at the stops below:

Find out more at the publisher's website:

Post by Rich Simpson (@richreadalot) October 2023



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