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Dance With Oti - Oti Mabuse, ill. by Samara Hardy


Bright, colourful and fun...everything you'd expect if you've ever watched an episode of Strictly Come Dancing....the cover even has the requisite sparkles!

Following Mrs Oti as she teaches the class 'The Bird Jive', we see the learners overcoming trips, timing issues and even an unexpected visit to the dance studio from some colourful birds, before a successful final performance.

The fun thing is that the reader can take part in this too, by scanning the QR code, following the steps along the way, and watching Oti's video tutorial.

Great fun, and much enjoyed in this house by 8-year old Isla, I dare you not to smile and jive along!

Dance with Oti is published by Walker ( and is out now.

Follow Oti on Twitter as @OtiMabuse, and illustrator Samara Hardy as @SamaraHardy

Thanks to Kirsten and Rosi at Walker for the review copy.

Review by Rich Simpson (@richreadalot) May 2021



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