Having a child who wears hearing aids, and seeing the delight expressed when she read a book recently that featured a character that also did, I love the appearance of this book from Louise Gooding, featuring a range of neurologically and physically diverse character biographies, and celebrating the fact that we are all special, unique and different.
As Louise says on her website:
The world is full of people who are a little different in one way or another. Our uniqueness is what makes us stand out and makes us who we are.
Bound to increase awareness through sensitive but detailed descriptions of these amazing people, their conditions and experiences, this book should be a requirement for schools and libraries, so that:
a) people can see themselves in these stories, and
b) awareness of the issues faced by and the stories behind this incredible set of people become more widely known, to increase understanding and acceptance.
Including a range of both well-known celebrities (such as Richard Branson and Matt Lucas), alongside lesser-known (to me, at least!) figures, there are stories from past and present, and from around the world, featuring courageous stories alongside inspirational words from the subjects themselves,and celebrating their differences and uniqueness.
My pick of stories is that of the incredible Turia Pitt, who defied medical science and diagnosis to firstly survive, and then not just walk again, but compete again in ultra-marathons, having been severely burned when caught in a bushfire during a previous event.

Turia is now an inspirational speaker and can be found on Twitter as @TuriaPitt or via her website, www.turiapitt.com
All of the entries in this collection are accompanied by stunning portraits by a group of four illustrators: Angel Chang, cathyhookey, Melissa Iwai and Caterina delli Carri.
The book also includes biographies of them and author Louise Gooding (shown below, and whose website is louisegooding.com). A helpful glossary of terms used throughout the book is a thoughtful addition, too.
This would be great for fans of the 'Boys/Girls Who Dare To Be Different' series, or the 'Little People, BIG DREAMS' biographies and similar-it is a great, interesting and much needed collection of stories to share to reflect today's diverse society.
I know I usually recommend that you have to read a book, but with this one, I feel like I almost need to INSIST that you do!

Thanks to Lauren, Kirsten and Studio Press for including me on the blog tour for this brilliant book. Follow the other stops detailed below:

Just Like Me by Louise Gooding is out now (Studio Press, £12.99)
Studio Press are on Twitter as @StudioBooks and author Louise Gooding is @OnceUponaLouise
Illustrator Twitter handles are: @meliwai
@dantehookey @angelchangart
Review by Rich Simpson (@richreadalot) March 2021